Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Introduction Entry

Hi, my name is Michelle. I am from Coppell, Texas, and I am a sophomore at Texas Christian University. I am currently working towards a degree in Nursing, and as of right now, I hope to become a labor and delivery nurse.

I chose to take this writing course because it is required of me, but by taking it, I hope to become a better writer. I hope to be able to quickly organize my thoughts about a topic and be able to write an essay about it.

Right now, most of my writing is in e-mails and text messages. I contact both of my parents daily through emailing, and I text my friends often throughout the day. I feel like my grammar and spelling are pretty good, but I feel a little shaky when it comes to writing papers that are being graded. I feel like I don't really know what to say or how to say it- I don't feel like it is easy for me to put my feelings onto a paper while still keeping the paper professional-sounding.

I don't believe that I am very interested in politics, but that is probably because I don't really understand it. I think this is definitely an area that I need to become more involved in because the only thing I am really interested in is the presidential election.

Since I am making this blog before reading Chapter one of the text, I don't really understand exactly how this blog is an argument. I just looked up a definition of argument, and it said a , " discussion involving differing points of view." Everyone creating a blog today, will have different interests and different view points, and by reading each other's blogs and exchanging these different interests and view points, one could infer that we are all arguing.

I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the course syllabus.


-R said...

After reading your first post, I realize how I am much the same as many students. Although I have a passion for politics, I understand that it is not something universal, much less something that is typical. I also have fallen victim to being constantly sending emails of text messages.

Thomas M. said...

Hey Michelle. I'm pretty much in the same boat as you when it comes to out of class writing and politics. Texting and e-mails are daily habits of mine. I'm also hoping that through this class I am able to become more involved in elections.

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about politics. I have never been very up to date in my politics I have always study the past, but I am hoping to also become more involved this year with the up coming election.

Shannon S said...

Hi Michelle! I was happy to read that there was someone else out there whose only writing on a daily basis is a text message or two...hundred. And don't feel bad about being uninvolved in politics, I'm not either!

craig kocay said...

Hello Michelle. I read your blog, and noticed that you plan to become a labor and delivery nurse, which is the current proffesion of my mother. How cool! I too, get nervous when it comes to writing that gets graded. My confidence is shot. Good luck this year!