Thursday, September 4, 2008

Presidential Election

Many different issues are important to me when considering who I will vote for in the election this year. As of right now, I have not made the choice of who I will vote for, but these are a couple of issues that will guide my decisions.

I am very interested in what both candidates are planning to do about the health care situation, and the fact that 46 million Americans are uninsured. Something new and innovative must be done so that every American has the chance and opportunity to receive medical care without drastically affecting those that provide the health care, like nurses. As far as I know, both candidates have a plan on how to fix this large uninsured problem.

I am also interested in both candidates' immigration policy. The number of undocumented immigrants in this country has increased drastically in the last decade, and it is affecting everyone. I think that border states need to enforce stricter security, and that employers hiring illegals need to be punished, and my choice of presidential candidate will need to want these things as well.

Energy consumption, the climate, and the environment are also very important to me. I do believe that global warming is happening, and that we need to drastically reduce the amount of energy we are using and the emissions that they are creating. I want the next president to work very hard in trying to reduce our foreign dependency on oil, and also try to find a way to become reliant on other, cleaner forms of energy.

As I said, I am not sure who I want to vote for this year, but these issues are very important to me, and I need to do some research on both candidates to see which one fits best with what I want and expect.


Thomas M. said...

I'm also in the same boat of not knowing who to vote for, haha! You do bring up good points about the health care system, immigration and global warming. It will be interesting to see how Obama and McCain approach these subjects.

Allie Weaver said...

Hey Michelle! I completely agree with everything you said in your blog. I too am very concerned about the issue of illegal immigration and I believe illegal immigrants are taking jobs of legal citizens that could be benefiting from these jobs. I too think that the environmental issues need to be acted upon and that will be one of the deciding factors of who I vote for.

Courtney J said...


I think it's so awesome that you're interested in immigration. I think it's a really important issue facing our country today and not a lot of people think about it. Most people research the same issues, which of course, are all important, but I'm glad to see that you're paying attention to something not so mainstream, but at the same time, something which will effect other key issues such as the economy.

craig kocay said...

These issues seem to be the ones the candidates are most similar on, not that they are identical. I agree with you on that all these issues are defiantly important ones. I really like where you say to punish those employing emigrants. I have many friends and family friends who have or are employing illegals, and almost all of them claim that they would quit if they would get a sever punishment for hiring.