Thursday, September 25, 2008

Argument with Humor

For my argument with humor, I chose a political cartoon by Garry Trudeau out of the Star-Telegram. It depicts Sarah Palin as a figurine, like a barbie, that a little girl just received, and her mom is reading the directions about her. The doll says things like, "Obama wants to raise taxes" and "God's will has to be done to get that gas line built!" The instruction booklet that the mom is reading says things like "Enjoy your Sarah sound bites...if you play them enough times, after a while they will actually sound true" and "to hear Sarah before she was reprogrammed by the McCain campaign, press her nose twice." This is an example of satire. Clearly, one can see the problem that the creator of this cartoon is trying to inform us of. I think that the cartoon has a better effect on people than just simply stating things like this because it is funny, and it is hard to get mad, even if you do not agree with what he is saying.

1 comment:

Shannon S said...

Haha! This is really really funny. and a good argument with lots of humor. Now I'm curious as to what a Obama doll (big ears?) or McCain doll (arms that don't move?) would look like or say!!?